PNG: Players assault match officials in Morobe Wawens vs Lae City match

In a shocking turn of events, the National Soccer League (NSL) match between Morobe Wawens and Lae City witnessed a disgraceful outbreak of violence as players assaulted match officials, leaving the football community stunned and the nation in uproar.

The ill-fated match took place on Sunday, September 3, 2023, in Lae, and quickly descended into chaos. Fans who had gathered to witness what should have been a thrilling football encounter were left in disbelief as the game spiraled out of control.

According to eyewitnesses, the aggression began when a controversial decision by one of the match officials incited outrage among the players of Morobe Wawens and Lae City. Tempers flared, and what initially seemed like a heated argument soon escalated into physical violence – players of Morobe Wawens thrown punches to match officials. You can check the footage of the actions by clicking here.

The match officials, who were tasked with ensuring fair play and adherence to the rules of the game, found themselves at the receiving end of the players’ fury. It has been reported that two match officials were subjected to physical assaults.

The incident has sent shockwaves throughout Papua New Guinea’s football community, prompting immediate investigations by relevant authorities. The PNG Football Association (PNGFA) and the National Soccer League (NSL) have both expressed their deep concern over the incident and have launched separate investigations into the matter.

PNGFA President, John Kapi Natto, issued a statement condemning the violence, saying, “Such behavior has no place in our beloved sport. We will not tolerate any form of violence, especially towards match officials who are there to ensure the integrity of the game.”

Brawl in Wawens vs Lae City clash – Post Courier

The NSL has also vowed to take decisive action against those responsible for the disgraceful acts witnessed on the field. They have emphasized that the players and clubs involved will face strict penalties if found guilty of assault and misconduct.

As investigations continue, both Morobe Wawens and Lae City are awaiting the outcome of the inquiries, which could have far-reaching consequences for their respective football seasons.

The sad news coming from Morobe province hit Papua New Guinea football circles hard in a period already full of controversies. The local fans made their voices clear stating that “PNGFA administration is killing the code” in the country due a number of management issues in the national league, national teams and also bad results as the 10-0 loss to Malaysia in a recent Kapuls friendly match.

The local football community in Papua New Guinea now waits anxiously for the results of the investigations, hoping for swift justice and a firm stance against such reprehensible behavior on the field.

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