The ‘Joker’ Andrew Setefano turns into the most international player ever for Samoa

In a historic moment for Samoan football, Andrew Setefano has officially become the most capped player in the nation’s history. Setefano achieved this milestone during Samoa’s debut in the OFC Nations Cup, despite the team’s 2-0 defeat against Tahiti.

Setefano, who received his first call-up to the national team back in 2011, has now dedicated 13 years of service to Samoa. The 36-year-old defender has surpassed the legendary Desmond Fa’aiuaso, a historic figure in Samoan football, who previously held the record with 20 caps. Fa’aiuaso remains Samoa’s all-time top scorer, a testament to his impact on the game in Samoa.

In his international career, Setefano has now accumulated 21 caps, and his journey is far from over. With two more matches to play in the OFC Nations Cup against Fiji and Papua New Guinea, Setefano has the opportunity to further extend his record.

Known affectionately as the ‘Joker’ in Samoa, Setefano has earned a reputation for his versatility on the field. Although primarily a defender, he has been deployed in various positions by his coaches throughout his career, showcasing his adaptability and commitment to the team. This moniker highlights not only his skill but also his invaluable role in the national squad.

Andrew Setefano – OFC Media

Setefano’s club career has seen him play for several teams, most notably Hekari United from Papua New Guinea, where his performances have further solidified his standing as a seasoned and reliable player.

As Samoa continues its journey in the OFC Nations Cup, Andrew Setefano’s leadership and experience will undoubtedly be pivotal. His record-breaking achievement is not only a personal milestone but also a proud moment for Samoan football, inspiring future generations of players in the island nation.

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