Sterling Vasconcellos: Fiji’s defensive prime talent shines in the OFC Nations Cup

Sterling Vasconcellos, a 19-year-old Fijian defender, has been making waves both domestically and internationally. Currently playing for Lautoka, Vasconcellos is a unique talent. His mixed heritage, with a father from Hawaii, grants him a USA passport, but his heart and football allegiance lie with Fiji. Already capped by the Fiji national team, he represented the country at the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Argentina in 2023.

Vasconcellos’s performances have drawn significant praise. His strong form helped Lautoka secure the Fiji FACT tournament, a testament to his growing influence on the field. In a recent interview with Oceania Football Center, Vasconcellos shared his thoughts on his journey and the ongoing OFC Nations Cup, where he continues to represent Fiji.

Reflecting on his experience with the national team, Vasconcellos admitted, “I feel a bit nervous sometimes playing with people older than me, but I always do my best to keep up with them and so far I think it’s going well for me.”

The young defender credits the FIFA U-20 World Cup for shaping his current form. “The U-20 World Cup was a big factor in bringing me to where I am right now,” he said. “It was really tough playing against the best teams in the world, but I gained a lot of experience and confidence from playing in the U-20s.”

Vasconcellos (center) before Fiji match against Samoa – OFC Nations Cup

As Fiji competes in the OFC Nations Cup, Vasconcellos is optimistic about his team’s prospects. “I think we are doing really well, but there’s still room for improvement and we want to finish on top of our group,” he remarked. “I think we can beat New Zealand if we work together, and if we put God first, nothing is impossible“, says Vasconcellos that featured in both matches of Fiji so far in the tournament, two win overs Papua New Guinea and Samoa.

One of the highlights of his current journey is playing alongside Fijian football legend Roy Krishna. “I never thought of playing alongside Roy Krishna,” Vasconcellos admitted. “He’s always been motivating me to do better and has been guiding me through the tournament.”

Looking ahead, Vasconcellos dreams of a professional football career. While there have been discussions with clubs, nothing concrete has materialized yet. “There were a few talks with a few clubs but no offers, only clubs from New Zealand have shown interest so far,” he shared.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Vasconcellos remains focused on his ultimate goal. “My ultimate goal is to become a professional football player,” he stated confidently.

Sterling Vasconcellos’s journey is just beginning, but his talent, determination, and the experience he continues to gain promise a bright future for this young defender. As he continues to represent Fiji on the international stage, fans and scouts alike will be watching closely, eager to see where his promising career will take him next.

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