2020 OFC Champions League is cancelled

The 2020 OFC Champions League is officially cancelled. The Executive Committee of the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) has taken the decision to cancel the remaining phases of the tournament.

Champions League’s group stage was contested earlier this year. However, the knock-out stage could not take place due to COVID-19 pandemics that forced countries to establish border restrictions and stop football activities.

The OFC had a plan to finish the Champions League in a small tournament contested by the eight remaining teams – just as the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) did with 2019-20 UEFA Champions League that had its final matches played in Portugal – but this was not possible due to border restrictions and logistics.

There will be financial support for these eight teams that were supposed to play OFC Champions League’s quarter-finals to help them with any costs related to COVID-19. It is important to remember that the Champions League is not the first tournament cancelled by OFC this year as the 2020 OFC Nations Cup was cancelled as well.

FIFA has not yet taken a decision on 2020 Club World Cup, but if they decide to continue the Club World Cup, the OFC Executive Committee will meet again to decide on a method for selecting and appointing a club for the tournament.

Oceania Football Center support the decision taken by the confederation given the circumstances. Anyway, we cannot wait for the next OFC Champions League. You can check all information about the cancelled tournament by clicking here.

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